Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Zippo Flints In A Imco

Dostoevsky # 1

dostoevskiani The characters are not only the fruit of their time, not really live in Russia only 800, do not even belong to particular, but are universal .
why read Dostoevsky is a great and wonderful possibilities: each of his characters, especially if we speak of the great novels of his maturity are categories, actions, ethical choices that allow us to reach touch and taste some points of view that otherwise we would have never reached. This is the famous Katarsis mentioned by Aristotle, but perhaps here we go further, because they become part of the game situations so important and radical for the existence of 'individual (the choices and thoughts in front of Raskolnikov in Crime and punishment finds himself are perhaps the most famous examples), which from a ethical point of view-as said-we should identify ourselves quite up to the point and start to think like them, with them.
After all it is very special relationship with the characters that Dostoevsky himself had outlined to him. The latter were in fact quite beyond the author's self-determined, are therefore self-consciousness with which the author establishes a relationship purely dialogue, debate and conflict-confrontation. E 'curious example as Dostoevsky developed in a literary sense much more disliked than the ideologies that those that are approved, assigned only to minor characters, while all those who have learned to love, we are fascinated in reading because of their life those very ideas that the writer did not go very genius. Critics have wondered why of this is perhaps the most convincing answer is that provided by Bakhtin, who said that Dostoevsky was not really important to say what was his world view or ideology sustained by him because his novels are outright a polyphony of ideologies, his work is defined as a concert of world views held in a romance.
It is immediately important to understand how the character of Dostoevsky living ideology, is meat ideology, and self-consciousness about the world together.
Before Freud filled his head with his psychological theory, Dostoevski, with Memories of the subsurface, was perhaps the first to offer this latest literary character-idea whose characterological traits and so are all negligible because what matters is that they are carriers of an idea and a vision of the world, is a semantic assessment on themselves and humans in general, plurality of voices and consciences independent and disjointed by the writer himself!
whole different story for those who were accustomed to read War and Peace or Anna Karenina .
(Lecture by Professor Rebecchini)


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