Resident Artist
" OFFX3 2010"
Saturday 30 and Sunday, October 31, at 21
Shop On stage Rosenguild
with 'The huge room'
They worked for thirteen days behind the walls of the area off and are now ready to go on stage and show the public the fruits of their labor. It's called ' The huge room ''the show that the company s present Bottega Rosenguild Abbot 30 and Sunday, October 31 at 21 Public Area Off
Here's how to describe - provocative - work and Dario de Falco Elisa Marinoni, creators of the show: "They wanted to show a hard, true, he would say something important. A show calendar. I've been to L'Aquila. They ate with the survivors. Kebabs and Montepulciano. They collected evidence and took pictures of the rubble. They decided to tell a story of trust betrayed and memory.
"It's not a real room, and they do have two real children. But the children have the same cruelty. They tell a story but it is far from a fairy tale. E 'was written on April 6, 2009 . It' s the story of a city, of a house, a room that, within minutes, he lost the walls, ceiling, floor, becoming, in fact, in a huge room. "And the moral is: macaroons. Saffron. delicious.
Theatre Company Bottega Rosenguild was born in 2009 from an idea by Elisa Benedetta Marinoni Francesca Romana and Nasca. The intent of the company is to create a breeding ground for drama and not just a virtual ever-changing and always ready to let themselves be shaped by new ideas, alive and active through ongoing collaboration with other actors, directors, illustrators, filmmakers. Currently the company is involved in the implementation of the study for the show "Histoire d'A." - Based on the story of John Zucca - directed by Elisa B. Marinoni and interpreted by the same with James Bicocchi, in the final notice "New sensitivity 2010/2011", and the production of the show "Buk" - the novel "Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski - winner of the National Youth Award reality Theatre 2009, directed by and starring Alessandro Tedeschi, Davide Giacometti, Donada Chiara, Elisa B. Marinoni.
Saturday 30 and Sunday, October 31, at 21
Area Off - Via Venezia 5 - Trento
The huge room
production Bottega Rosenguild
brainchild of Elisa Marinoni
with Dario de Falco Elisa Marinoni
stage writing by Dario de Falco
Admission: 8
€ Reduced (students and students of theater schools): 6 €
Wine cellar with tasting offered by The Vis Valley Cembra
Info and reservations: - 333 27 53 033
'Offx3' is draft residences Area Off which already has become the edition of last year 'incubator' and 'shop' for new creativity theatrical . Four companies selected from 85 throughout Italy through a call 'live' for 15 days Off to Space build, write, prepare, test and stage your project . For two evenings, all events are then presented to the public : a chance to see on the small stage area off the fruits of work done by companies in residence.
" OFFX3" - Resident Artist 2010 is a project implemented by the Area Off of Trento, in collaboration with the Municipality of Trento, Autonomous Province of Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige and with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, of Cassa Rurale di Trento and Vinoteca La Vis Lavis.
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