Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Orgasim Without The Vibrator

August 17, 2010 The third stage: Veruda - Neresine

the morning of August 17 the alarm is 05:00, and although the Navy Bunarina is repaired, a moderate wind blowing from the west ..!

Under these conditions it is unthinkable to leave.

You "When updating" at 07:00. To the new sound the alarm .... miraculously the wind has shifted to the east; Borino light. The sun is already high and getting ready to sail ... However, after the usual breakfast ..!!!

now ready ..!!!

is casting off at 07:45. The wave attenuation is fast, just outside Veruda you point to the south and head-rights in the distance you see the "guardians" of the Kvarner: Porer Albanez and packages.

Passed Fenoliga becomes Route, "a view" Ossero to 95 °.

waves of the two previous days are a distant memory and navigation is even "surreal" in the area of \u200b\u200bsea so feared by all.

Changes are made even with the boat tied to the boat and sail at cruising speed of 6 kn: Ordegno the supports and is changed on the fly "...!!

Out in the Kvarner Bay, thanks to a small sea in the stern, the record does Ordegno speed "record" of the crossing: 9.4 kn.

Navigation proceeds now so great that before the relaxation Galiola after the change, GN'll give you a dip in the sea.

At 12:15, after 3 hours of crossing the Kvarner, one arrives at Ossero, and is now party.

The Ordegno with Inflatable go to the bridge to take the friend who came from Mladen Ist and will be with us for the last stage. Meanwhile the yacht is moored in a bay close to await the opening of the bridge at 17:00.

Mladen Uploaded on board, the fleet's a party in the bay. Great swimming and sumptuous dining.

not happy, at 15:00 the boat goes to take a moment to Ossero Palacinke for everyone, but not only ..!!! The good smell of fried food that leaves the kitchen of the restaurant near the bridge Ossero means that the two "of palacinke" decided to take up to 6 servings of fried calamari and 4 bottles of malva..!!

Tornati a bordo della barca a vela, alle 15:00 parte l' operazione "Locusta Osor".

In 4 minuti spazzolato tutto.

Le 17:00 arrivano in un attimo ed è ora di passare il ponte di Ossero

......al suono della..........GAVUZELA...........

Passato il ponte davanti all'incredulità dei presenti alla vista dell'Ordegno in queste acque, alle 17:30 si arriva a Neresine accolti anche qui dai vacanzieri in festa.

Moored sailing boat, we are offered a drink from 'friend Ferdi' s Hotel Televrin.

the evening, after an "extensive" settlement costs essential to survival in the sea ...

you go to dinner.

As usual at 23:00 it's all over and cooked well in his bed to be ready for the last leg ..!!!

Continued .....


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