From stage to painting,
in collaboration with Mart in Rovereto
Wednesday April 21 - 21 hours
Orson Welles, France 1974-85 '
In 1974, pending the end of "The Other Side of the Wind," a film that will never be finished , Orson Welles made "F for Fake." The idea is to make a film about artistic truth as false. Cinema is all based on an illusion, a false assumption of reality. Painting has always been falsified but never like today, thanks to a market that includes everything. Welles himself is a magician, he loves the mask, in any of his films appeared natural, and always carry a briefcase full of fake noses and other tricks to do the trick. Welles The idea for the film seeing a documentary interview with the famous Hungarian forger Elmyr de Hoor shot in 1969 by Reichenbach. Buy the rights to the documentary material and around that building "F for Fake."
The result is a strange film that is more an essay on art and modernity than a documentary. Welles uses everything: editing, film clips, inserts companion Oja Kodari, newsreels, photos, studio shots to charm and persuade.
Admission: € 3
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