Wednesday, February 17 - hour 21
SpazioOFF - Via Venezia 5 - Trento
Input 3 €
of Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Germany, 1973 - 112 '
third edition of the series of five films on the theme of domestic violence and gender in anticipation of the debut of the show 'Purple' in program Cuminetti Theatre Friday, March 5, directed by Mirko Corradini, with Maura Pettorruso, Alessio Dalla Costa and Cynthia Scott.
After 'Take my eyes' and 'The Color Purple', it's time for one of the masters of European cinema of the late twentieth century, Rainer Fassbinder Werbner, with 'Martha'.
Martha met her husband in Rome. He, Helmut, is thoughtful, charming and protective. From the moment they move in together, though, things change. Helmut by caring becomes obsessed by protective becomes maniacal. Before disconnecting the phone, then prevents his wife to leave the house. She, meanwhile, knew that the young Kaiser, begins to harbor dark thoughts.
Freely short story For the Rest of Her Life by Cornell Woolrich, is one of three TV movies that RW Fassbinder went in '73, but a complicated dispute legal rights, saw the light only in '94 when, as a special event, was exhibited at the 51st Venice Film Festival. Another merciless analysis of sadomasochism in marital relations, a theme dear to Fassbinder. Extremely compact, all-too schematic in its melodrama step cooled, for unsettling his anachronistic atmosphere of the eighteenth century English Gothic novel, fell in translucent photography Michael Ballhaus, has the simplicity of the tight trajectory of an arrow, but also a certain ambiguity the tacit agreement between the two characters. "Martha is not oppressed, but shaped ... Most men are not able to oppress women so perfect as they wish "(Fassbinder).
The next film
Wednesday, February 24 - 21 hours
Zhang Yi - China, 1992-99 '
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